Archive for January 2014

Tire Tread Depth for Lansing, Michigan Drivers

Posted January 31, 2014 12:00 PM

Driving on bald tires is like playing roulette. Though you may be fine today, eventually your luck is going to run out.

The Feds don't have any laws for tread depth, but 42 of the states, and all of Canada, do have regulations. They consider 2/32 of an inch to be the minimum legal tread depth. Two other states, including California, consider 1/32 to be the minimum and six states have no standards at all. Call us at AutoSurgeonInc; (just call 517-374-8940) to find out what your requirements are in the Lansing, Michigan, area.

Since 1968, U.S. law has required that a raised bar be molded across all tires. When tires are worn enough that this bar becomes visible, there's just 2/32 inch/1.6 mm of tread left. But does that older standard give Lansing vehicles enough safety?

Consider this: Consumer Reports recommends tire replacement when tread reaches 4/32 inch/3.2 mm. And the recommendation is backed by some very compelling studies. Now before we go into the studies, you need to know that the issue is braking on wet surfaces.

We tend to think of the brakes doing all the stopping, but Lansing vehicles also need to have effective tires to actually stop the car. When it's wet or snowy in Lansing, Michigan, the tread of the tire is critical to stopping power.

Picture this: you're driving in Lansing over a water-covered stretch of road. Your tires need to be in contact with the road in order to stop. That means the tire has to channel the water away so the tire is contacting the road and not floating on a thin film of water – a condition known as hydroplaning. When there's not enough tread depth on a tire, it can't move the water out of the way and you start to hydroplane.

This is where the studies come in. We think Lansing drivers will be surprised. A section of a test track was flooded with a thin layer of water. If you laid a dime flat on the track, the water would be deep enough to surround the coin, but not enough to submerge it. 

A car and a full-sized pick-up truck were brought up to 70 mph/112 kph and then made a hard stop in the wet test area. Stopping distance and time were measured for three different tire depths. First, they tested new tires. Then tires worn to legal limits. And finally, tires with 4/32 inch/3.2 mm of tread were tested (the depth suggested by Consumer Reports.)

When the car with the legally worn tires had braked for the distance required to stop the car with new tires, it was still going 55 mph/89 kph. The stopping distance was nearly doubled. That means if you barely have room to stop with new tires, then you would hit the car in front of you at 55 mph/89 kph with the worn tires.

Now with the partially worn tires – at the depth recommended by Consumer Reports – the car was still going at 45 mph/72 kph at the point where new tires brought the car to a halt. That's a big improvement – you can see why Consumer Reports and others are calling for a new standard.

Now without going into all the details, let us tell you that stopping the truck with worn tires needed almost 1/10 of a mile (.16 km)  of clear road ahead to come to a safe stop. How many Lansing drivers follow that far behind the vehicle ahead? Obviously, this is a big safety issue.

The tests were conducted with the same vehicles but with different sets of tires. The brakes were the same, so the only variable was the tires.

How do people in Lansing know when their tires are at 4/32 inch/3.2 mm? Well, it's pretty easy. Just insert an American quarter into the tread. Put it in upside down. If the tread doesn't cover George Washington's hairline, it's time to replace your tires. With a Canadian quarter, the tread should cover the numbers in the year stamp.

Now you may remember doing that with pennies. But an American penny gives you 2/32 inch/1.6 mm to Abraham Lincoln's head. The quarter is the new standard – 4/32 inch/3.2 mm.

Tires are a big ticket item, and most people in Lansing, Michigan, want to get thousands of miles/kilometers out of them. Just remember: driving on bald tires is like playing roulette.

Have Mr. Washington look at your tires today. If he recommends a new set, come see us at AutoSurgeonInc in Lansing.

1820 E Kalamazoo St
Lansing, Michigan 48912

Fuel System Cleaning at AutoSurgeonInc

Posted January 24, 2014 12:00 PM

Is your vehicle sometimes hard to start early in the morning? When you turn the key, does it hesitate or stutter? If so, the problem could be the result of a dirty fuel system. Your vehicle's fuel system starts with the air filter and ends in the top of your engine. Over time, different parts of the system get dirty, which robs you of performance and hurts your fuel economy.

Most Lansing vehicles have fuel injectors, rather than a carburetor. Fuel injection systems have fewer problems and require less adjustment. But they still need to be properly maintained. This is why your owner's manual has a schedule for cleaning your fuel injectors and other parts of your fuel system.

Some Lansing residents are interested in buying fuel system cleaners that they can pour into their gas tank. You can do that - and there are lots of great products available that can help maintain an already clean fuel system - but these products cannot do a major cleaning. For that, you need to see AutoSurgeonInc. AutoSurgeonInc has the professional tools and chemicals to really do a complete service.

AutoSurgeonInc uses a process that gives your vehicle a deep, professional fuel system cleaning. You need to remove particles, gum and varnish from your fuel system and get those injectors running cleanly and efficiently. After a professional fuel system cleaning, you'll notice more power, better fuel economy and reduced exhaust emissions.

The cleaners also help prevent rust and corrosion in your fuel system and lubricate engine parts.

Fuel system cleaning is just one of those recommended service items that help keep your vehicle running strong. As with all maintenance, it can help avoid repairs that often result from not taking the right preventive steps. Lansing residents will notice the difference in how well their vehicle runs. Check with your friendly and knowledgeable pros at AutoSurgeonInc to see when your vehicle is scheduled for a fuel system cleaning.

An ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure for Lansing vehicles.

1820 E Kalamazoo St
Lansing, Michigan 48912

Fuel Filter Replacement

Posted January 21, 2014 12:00 PM

Hello Lansing resident! You would never like to drink a glass of mud, right? Well, your vehicle feels the same way. It needs a steady supply of clean fuel in order to run well and deliver good fuel economy. The fuel filter's job is to clean dirt and rust out of the fuel before it gets to your engine. A clogged fuel filter can actually choke off the engine so that it won't start or run. Some fuel filters have a bypass valve that allows fuel to go around the clogged filter so your vehicle will still run. But, then the contaminated fuel can clog your fuel injectors and allow particles into your engine.

A vehicle with a partially clogged fuel filter might run well around Lansing, but sputter and strain on the because it's starving for gas. There are two things that affect how often you need to replace the filter. They are: where you drive in Michigan and the gas you buy. If you drive a lot on dirt or gravel roads in rural Michigan, your fuel filter will have a harder time keeping the fuel clean.

And, we hate to say it, but buying the cheapest gas from bargain stations sometimes means dirtier fuel that'll clog the filter sooner. Major brands tend to be cleaner and certainly have higher levels of detergent additives.

Of course, manufacturers recommend intervals for changing the fuel filter. But, it's a little more complicated than that for Lansing residents. Some manufacturers stopped listing recommended intervals for fuel filter replacement or have very long intervals like every five years or 80,000 miles (130,000 kilometers). So you may need to look to other sources for recommendations. Vehicles older than six or seven years are especially at risk because they have had time for dirt and rust to build up in the fuel tank. A clean fuel filter keeps the gas flowing. Even a partially clogged filter puts added strain on the vehicle fuel pump. That can shorten its life and result in repair.

As is often the case, spending a little money now on something as inexpensive as a fuel filter can save money for Lansing residents down the road by improving and preventing repairs. At AutoSurgeonInc in Lansing, we can check your fuel filter. It is better than fixing a burned-out vehicle fuel pump or ruined fuel injectors.

1820 E Kalamazoo St
Lansing, Michigan 48912

TPMS: Tire Pressure Monitoring for Your Lansing Vehicle

Posted January 14, 2014 12:00 PM

Lansing drivers may know that all 2008 model year and newer cars, mini-vans and light trucks in Michigan come with a tire pressure monitoring system. Many slightly older vehicles around the Lansing area have these systems as well. A tire pressure monitoring system – called TPMS – consists of sensors on each wheel that measure tire pressure.

If tire pressure drops 25 percent below the vehicle manufacture’s recommended pressure, the sensor sends a signal to a monitoring unit that causes a warning to light up on the dashboard. When drivers see the warning light, they know it's time to put some air in the tires.

There are many benefits to people in Lansing who drive with properly inflated tires. First is cost savings. Running at the correct air pressure improves fuel economy. Driving on underinflated tires is like driving through sand – it drags down your fuel economy. Drivers in Lansing will also see longer, more even tread wear so your tires will last longer.

Another important benefit of properly inflated tires is increased safety for Lansing vehicles. Underinflated tires become hotter, and that heat can actually lead to tire failure – possibly resulting in an accident. Your vehicle and the tires themselves will just perform better and more safely around Lansing with properly inflated tires.

Local Michigan consumer groups and law-makers advocate TPMS systems hoping that they will save lives, property damage and inconvenience. While you can't put a value on saving a life, Lansing drivers should keep in mind that TPMS systems aren't free.

The systems themselves are added into the price of the vehicle. The batteries in the sensors will have to be replaced from time to time. Parts will break and need to be replaced. In colder climates around Michigan, ice and salt are frequent causes of failure.

In addition, there are other behind-the-scenes costs we want you to be aware of. Every time a tire is replaced, repaired, rotated or balanced, the tire technician has to deal with the TPMS system.

Lansing service centers such as AutoSurgeonInc must purchase equipment used to scan and reactivate the TPMS system after every tire service. Because older tire change equipment can damage TPMS sensors, your Lansing area service center may need to buy expensive, new tire changers.

Since there is no uniformity among manufacturers, technicians need to be trained on several TPMS systems. These behind-the-scenes costs are very real to Lansing service center managers.

That's why the team at AutoSurgeonInc is anxious for people in the Lansing area to understand the financial impact of TPMS systems. In the past, we've been able to quickly and cheaply provide tire services and then pass the low cost on to customers as an expression of our good will. But now even these simple jobs take much longer and require equipment.

Sensors will need to be removed and reinstalled. Even a tire rotation will require that the monitor be reprogrammed to the new location of each tire. When a vehicle battery is disconnected, the TPMS system will need to be reprogrammed.

So when you start so see the cost of tire changes, flat repairs and rotations going up in Michigan, please keep in mind that it's because of this new safety equipment. The team at AutoSurgeonInc just wants to keep you safely on the road – and we're committed to doing it at a fair price.

It's important to remember that the TPMS warning only comes on when a tire is severely underinflated. You'll still want to check your tire pressure regularly. At every fill-up is best, but you should check pressure at least once a month. Here's wishing you safe travels.

Contact AutoSurgeonInc for more information about Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems.

1820 E Kalamazoo St
Lansing, Michigan 48912



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Tires and Wheels (44)Maintenance (59)Warranty (1)Fuel System (49)Exhaust (12)Differential Service (4)Cabin Air Filter (8)Air Conditioning (17)Steering (17)Fluids (17)Cooling System (20)Shocks & Struts (10)Trip Inspection (4)Brakes (23)Older Vehicles (4)Service Standards (13)Fuel Economy (11)Parts (8)Dashboard (3)Automotive News (10)Inspection (10)Headlamps (7)Timing Belt (7)Windshield Wipers (9)Battery (21)Service Intervals (9)Wheel Bearings (2)Transmission (11)Tire Pressure Monitoring System (1)Tire Rotation and Balancing (4)Safety (6)Alignment (17)Winter Prep (7)Drive Train (9)Monitoring System (3)Diagnostics (6)Engine Air Filter (2)Suspension (3)Diesel Maintenance (1)Serpentine Belt (6)Keys to a long lasting vehicle (4)Emergency Items (1)Check Engine Light (6)Auto Safety (6)Fuel Saving Tip: Slow Down (2)What Customers Should Know (81)Alternator (6)Customer Detective Work (1)Oil Change (8)Safe Driving (1)Winter Tires (1)Tires (10)Spark Plugs (2)TPMS (3)Water Pump (2)Transfer Case Service (1)Brake Service (4)Fuel Pump (1)PCV Valve (2)Shocks and Struts (1)


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