Archive for January 2012

Wiper Blades in Michigan

Posted January 24, 2012 12:00 PM

If you're gonna drive around the Lansing area, you've got to be able to see! So having a good set of windshield wipers is extremely important. We've all experienced the frustration and fear of not being able to see clearly during a storm or when our windshield is just dirty.

It seems like your wiper blades are always at their worst when you need them the most. But windshield wipers are like most other vehicle parts– they require regular attention in order to work their best.

You really ought to replace your wiper blades twice a year; in the spring and the fall. If it's going to be a particularly harsh winter in Michigan, you may even want to get special winter blades in the fall. Winter blades are designed to resist freezing.

Speaking of winter and freezing conditions, if your car has been sitting for a long time and the windshield becomes frozen, don't use your wipers to clear off snow and ice. That'll just tear up the blades and cause them to wear out more quickly. It may even damage the wiper motor.

Over time, wiper blades become hard and brittle, and then tear. They also lose their flexibility and just don't cover the windshield effectively.

Worn wiper blades aren't just a safety hazard; they can also scratch your windshield. That may require replacing the entire windshield, a big cost for such a little part.

Replace worn blades right away. Our professionals at AutoSurgeonInc can provide you with a quality replacement blade. They cost about the same as they would at the store, but installation is included at AutoSurgeonInc in Lansing.

Of course you also need windshield washer fluid to help your blades do their work. Even though AutoSurgeonInc will top off the washer fluid with a full service oil change, it is a good idea to have some extra fluid at home, or in the car if you are on a long trip.

Always use windshield washer fluid. Plain water, even that fancy bottled water, may freeze in the fluid reservoir or on the windshield itself, making things worse. Besides, water won't do a good job of cleaning your windows.

And remember that some vehicles have two reservoirs: one for the windshield and one for the back window, which may be under the hood or somewhere in the back.

So follow these tips to keep your windshield clear and your eye on the road, and give us a call.

1820 E Kalamazoo St
Lansing, Michigan 48912

Timing Belt Service to Save Big Bucks in Lansing

Posted January 20, 2012 12:00 PM

Your engine is like a finely choreographed dance. All the parts have to work together. If the timing is off at the ballet, dancers crash into each other and fall down. It the timing is off in your engine, it may not run at all. One of the most intricate dances in your engine has to do with the combustion cycle.

Your vehicle engine has cylinders in which a piston travels up and down. At the top of the cylinders are valves that open to bring in the air and fuel. And there are valves that open to let out the exhaust after the fuel has been burned.

Call AutoSurgeonInc at 517-374-8940 for answers about your timing belt, or drop by our Lansing, Michigan, service center on 1820 E Kalamazoo St.

It's critical that the values be timed to open and close at precisely the right time in the combustion cycle, or the engine will run poorly or not at all.

The timing belt is responsible for rotating the shafts that control the valves. It's vital and precision work. Timing belts are made of very tough, flexible material. They can last a long time. But they eventually wear out and can break. The consequences can be disastrous.

In some engines, the valves actually protrude far enough into the cylinders that they could come in contact with the piston. If the timing belt breaks, the pistons will smash into the valves. Valves get bent or broken. If the engine is spinning fast enough, the broken parts will shred the cylinder head as well. Repairing this damage can cost several thousand dollars.

It's a sad day when this happens; especially since it usually can be avoided. Manufacturers have issued recommendations for when you should replace your timing belt. For some engines, it's at 60,000 miles/97,000 km. For others it's at 90,000 miles/145,000 km or more. If you're approaching 60,000 miles/97,000 km or have passed it, make sure you check your owner's manual or with your Lansing auto service advisor at AutoSurgeonInc for when the timing belt should be replaced. Don't let this one slip by.

Now some timing belts are visible and can be inspected. Others are hidden under a protective cover and are hard to get to. Some timing belts also drive the water pump. If you have a leaky water pump, the coolant will contaminate the timing belt and could make it fail sooner. So if you have this kind of engine, get it in to AutoSurgeonInc for an inspection right away if you have a coolant leak.

Most people in the Lansing area with this engine design end up with a new timing belt when they replace the water pump. And when you're having your timing belt replaced on schedule, check with your AutoSurgeonInc auto service advisor to see if it makes sense to install a new water pump, even if it isn't currently having problems, since most of the labor is already being done any way for the timing belt replacement.

As a heads up; larger engines will often have metal timing chains rather than belts. The chains don't need to be replaced like belts.

We've already told you how very expensive it can be to get your car running again after a timing belt fails. You also need to know that replacing the timing belt is very labor intensive and is one of the most costly maintenance services you will have. So if you will be at the point where your timing belt should be replaced in the next year or so, ask for an estimate from AutoSurgeonInc in Lansing, Michigan, so you can begin to prepare for the expense.

We at AutoSurgeonInc, your Lansing service center, can be a valuable partner. Please take advantage of our knowledge and experience.

1820 E Kalamazoo St
Lansing, Michigan 48912

Engine Air Filter from AutoSurgeonInc

Posted January 13, 2012 12:00 PM

Many Lansing drivers have found themselves in the following situation: They go to get their oil changed and their friendly service advisor at AutoSurgeonInc recommends a new engine air filter. They say yes, but don't know what an air filter is or what it does.

If this has happened to you, rest assured that you did the right thing by getting a new one. But you should never be too embarrassed to ask your AutoSurgeonInc service advisor for more information. It's your vehicle and you have a right to understand what you're paying for.

Let's review: "What does an air filter do?"

Air is the focus of this discussion. What is the air like outside in Lansing right now? Can you see any smog? Is it full of pollen? How about dust? Anyone in Michigan with hay fever can tell you that there's plenty in the air that you can't see. Well, the engine air filter's job is to clean that air before it goes into your vehicle engine, to mix with the fuel and be burned. Without an engine air filter, the inside of your vehicle engine would be extremely dirty from all the gunk that was burned in the cylinders.

In fact, your engine needs 12,000 times as much air as fuel for it to run. That little filter does a very big job. It's no wonder that the air filter gets dirty and needs to be replaced. Think about a vacuum cleaner. When the bag gets full of dust and dirt, the vacuum doesn't clean as well. It can't move enough air to create good suction. A clogged engine air filter is the same way - the vehicle engine can't get enough air to burn the fuel efficiently. That means less power and reduced fuel economy.

That's why your owner's manual has recommended that you change your filter at regular intervals. Of course the Lansing conditions you drive in will affect how quickly the filter gets dirty. If you drive in Michigan where it's very dusty or where there's lots of pollen or pollution, you may need to change the filter sooner. The filter is easy to check visually, so your friendly and knowledgeable AutoSurgeonInc service advisor can quickly make the call. He might recommend immediate replacement or simply let you know that it is getting close and that you'll need to replace it soon - like at your next oil change.

Because a severely dirty vehicle air filter hurts your vehicle, many Lansing residents find that a new air filter pays for itself in better fuel economy before the next oil change. They also make premium air filters that have been proven to increase your horsepower and torque. If more power is important to you, a high performance air filter is some of the cheapest horsepower you can buy.

The better your car breathes, the better it runs - kind of like people. And don't worry - if you have a question or don't understand a recommendation just ask your AutoSurgeonInc service advisor.

1820 E Kalamazoo St
Lansing, Michigan 48912


Emergency Items for Your vehicle

Posted January 4, 2012 12:00 PM

Local Lansing roadside emergencies can range from a flat tire downtown to being stranded in a snowy ravine for three days. So you may want to consider a basic emergency kit to keep in the car at all times and a travel kit tailored to a specific trip.

Your close-to-home kit for around Lansing would have some basic items to work on your car: everything you need to change a tire, gloves, a couple quarts of oil, some antifreeze and water. A can of tire inflator is a great temporary fix for minor flats. You'll also want jumper cables or a booster box, flares, a flashlight and some basic hand tools.

Now for your comfort and safety: a first aid kit, drinkable water, high calorie food (like energy bars), blankets, toilet paper, cell phone, towel, hat and boots. Keep some change for a pay phone, emergency cash and a credit card.

People who live in areas with frequent severe weather or earthquakes may want to carry provisions for longer emergencies.

For trips away from home, consider the weather and geography as you assemble your emergency supplies. You'll need to have a source of light and heat and will want to provide protection against the elements as well as adequate food and water for everyone in the car.

Always tell people where you are going and have a plan for checking in at waypoints. Then if you run into trouble, you can be reported missing as soon as possible and rescuers will be able to narrow the search area.

The key to safe travel is to keep your vehicle properly maintained, plan ahead and let others know your itinerary.

1820 E Kalamazoo St
Lansing, Michigan 48912



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Maintenance (59)Warranty (1)Fuel System (50)Exhaust (12)Differential Service (4)Cabin Air Filter (9)Air Conditioning (17)Steering (17)Fluids (17)Cooling System (20)Shocks & Struts (10)Trip Inspection (4)Brakes (23)Older Vehicles (4)Tires and Wheels (42)Service Standards (13)Fuel Economy (11)Parts (8)Dashboard (3)Automotive News (10)Inspection (10)Headlamps (7)Timing Belt (7)Windshield Wipers (9)Battery (21)Service Intervals (9)Wheel Bearings (2)Transmission (11)Tire Pressure Monitoring System (1)Tire Rotation and Balancing (4)Safety (6)Alignment (17)Winter Prep (7)Drive Train (9)Monitoring System (3)Diagnostics (6)Engine Air Filter (3)Suspension (3)Diesel Maintenance (1)Serpentine Belt (6)Keys to a long lasting vehicle (4)Emergency Items (1)Check Engine Light (6)Auto Safety (6)Fuel Saving Tip: Slow Down (2)What Customers Should Know (82)Alternator (6)Customer Detective Work (1)Oil Change (8)Safe Driving (1)Winter Tires (1)Tires (11)Spark Plugs (2)TPMS (3)Water Pump (2)Transfer Case Service (1)Brake Service (5)Fuel Pump (1)PCV Valve (2)Shocks and Struts (2)


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, 12/04/2020